Hi, I'm Pamela

I want to personally invite you to join me for 5 days so you can know what foods are best for YOUR body. Foods that will help you to burn fat better and jumpstart your weight loss.


As a registered nurse I listened to all the diet gurus, and even the medical community, tell me that all I had to do to lose weight was to, "Eat less and move more." And I did. And did it again, and again, and again (diet after diet after diet) until I was at my highest weight ever sitting on my couch during the weekends binge eating. I tried all the diets. I tried depriving myself and eliminating food groups until....


In 2013 I was unhealthily overweight, stressed, burned out, exhausted, had insomnia, was a closeted weekend binge eater, and I lived on coffee and diet soda. Then, another birthday came with me sitting on my green couch, watching a romantic comedy, seeing the lead character making healthy choices (with that motivational inspiring music in the background) and wondered when my own personal, "You go girl moment," would come.

This time was different. Instead of going on another diet and focusing on food, I reached out to a health coach who showed me that weight loss is more than the food we eat and amount of physical activity we get. With her coaching and support I lost the excess weight, lowered my stress, slept better than ever, and ended the binge eating.


Now I am on a mission to help other busy women in healthcare do the same.


Weight loss is more than what you eat and exercise. You are NOT a one dimensional person so why start a plan that does not address the whole you? You are your relationships, the stress you are under, your sleep, your hormones, your career, your kids....and ALL affect your weight & weight loss efforts.


You can Dive into Weight Loss: Know What to Eat! Learn easy to implement strategies that will jump start your weight loss so you can fit into your jeans again and the clothes that are in your closet!


Are you time-stretched? No worries! This free challenge is designed specifically for the busy woman - you!