Perfect for:

  • ✅Busy women 
  • ✅Women who work in all areas of healthcare 
  • Busy Moms, Stay at home Moms, Working Moms
  • Women who are just starting on their weight-loss and health journey
  • ✅Women who are tired of the constant yo-yo dieting 
  • ✅Women who want their time back 
  • ✅Women who want strategies that work


If you are tired of trying to lose the same weight month after month, year after year...


If you want holistic solutions that work to get you to your optimal healthy weight...


If you're done with spending too much time on trying to lose unhealthy weight so you can spend more time doing the things you love...


Then the Beyond the Food Weight Loss Summit is for you!



I hand-picked speakers and influencers at the top of their game.

They’re the top experts in their field and, most importantly, they’re teaching from experience, not from theory.


Despite their busy schedules, each of these speakers jumped on board for this event and promised to teach their best stuff. All I can say is, you’re in for a treat!


These top industry leaders will show you how to get to your optimal healthy weight with strategies that are working well right now!

The Beyond the Food Summit Speakers Have Been Featured In:

We make no claims or promises about the amount of weight you may or may not lose from this training course, or any other course we offer. This is not a get-slim quick product. Any stable weight loss worth having and worth maintaining takes time and real work. The success you have or don't have relies on multiple factors, but most of them revolve around how well you apply what you learn and how hard and how consistently you are willing to work. If you are ready to apply what you learn and work hard, then this free training can be a good start towards building your knowledge. Your success is entirely up to you.